Winter Has Come

Having spent only just less than half of my life as an invalid, after sustaining a head injury which left me in a chronic state of pan, fatigue, brain fog and more.

I could never have imagined coming to this chapter of my life.

When Covid 19 took the world by storm, I had just begun to experience better health and sustained periods of energy and reduced base line pain. I had just begun to step out into the world and discover life at the age of 28 I was finally finding my feet, right before the rug was pulled out from under most us. 

When lockdown was lifted and churches began to meet again in my town, I began to meet with my bible study group and was introduced to the first chapter of the rest of my life. I met my husband in those first months after lockdown, which opened up so many chapters that lie ahead.

My Husband works for a local Non Profit organization, which provides food parcels to those members of our community who are unable to feed themselves. Jobs have become increasingly scarce and the number of people living on the street has also risen since Covid 19 hit the country. 

I begun volunteering at Food4Futures as a packer of food, and over the years, my role grew to become more creative as I took over the Facebook page and then the Marketing and Graphic Design side of the Organization, until finally I became the Secretary of the organization, working alongside my husband in his role as the Administrator.

In all of this change, one thing stayed the same, hidden in the background and lurking in the shadows, was the chronic pain and fatigue condition that I had thought I had overcome. 

Winter has come. 

The coldest winter in several years snuck up on us here in our small town and I was reminded of how poorly my body reacts to the cold weather. The pain I had gotten used to NOT having around, washed over me like a flood, and the fatigue began to have a terrible effect on my ability to continue to work properly.

Thankfully, my wonderful husband has a brilliant plan. With his experience as a purser and a skipper on yachts and super yachts, he mentioned that on a sailing vessel, we could avoid the winter and chase the summer on the ocean. 

After doing a lot of research, we found that an Oyster 565 Yacht would meet our needs perfectly, we could both work remotely, and we would be able to migrate across the seas avoiding the painful and exhausting effect of the cold on my body. 

The physically demanding aspects of sailing would be generally taken care of by the electronic nature of the controls, meaning that I would be able to help with a lot of the sailing. 

This prospect is an incredible one, and we are excited to start working towards this goal.

In this blog I will keep you updated on our journey and keep track of the plans from their conception.

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